Wednesday, November 23, 2022
We hope each and every one of you (even if you're not American) will be spending tomorrow with your loved ones recognizing all the amazing things you have to be thankful for.
The crew on Vagari will be cooking up a whole chicken (we don't have room or the need for a full Turkey!) and all the fixings... minus the pumpkin pie. Pumpkin, sadly, is hard to come by. Enjoy a slice for us!
This year, Becca is thankful for each day spent with Keith & Bosun experiencing something new. Keith is thankful for the ability to pursue his dream and the support network we have that is needed to make this a reality. It's hard to know for sure, but we think Bosun is thankful for his new kibble (we bought a new brand since arriving in Martinique and he's been crazy about it!).
And just in time for your holiday viewing pleasure, a new video.
Much love,
Keith & Becca