Friday, September 23, 2022
A quick postcard to say that Keith, Bosun, and Vagari are all safe and sound in Carriacou. Thank you to everyone who reached out! We appreciate that we have so many people who care about us.
The bulk of the storm lasted 12 hours from 3pm on Wednesday, Sept 21 to 3am Thursday, Sept 22. Overall, Keith described the storm as mild where he was located. Thankfully, it did not have any cyclonic action at the time and was a straight-line wind & rain squall. He had maximum gusts around 45 knots with most gusts just under 40 knots. The land offered good protection, so not much swell into the bay. We upgraded our anchor chain in Martinique and that gave Keith extra confidence in our ground tackle.
We will continue to keep everyone who is in the path of both this ongoing storm and Hurricane Fiona in our thoughts.
Much love,
Keith & Becca